Originally Posted by perplexed
I sooooo understand your pain! My DS10 is just like that. LOVES legos, nerf wars, video games, but only puts in the "required" work at school. He would never do extra credit or anything "just for fun". Just yesterday, I was looking at all the great Critical Thinking products and decided it would be a huge waste of money because DS would never do them. I'm very interested to follow this thread and see what people recommend. I'll look for the books Grinity referenced.

LOL where do you live, we can get them together and let them have a Nerf War.

Me too, I've bought all kinds of books and products to do "afterschooling" with him, and he just won't do it. What a waste of $.

He also hates sports, other than Nerf War. He won't even try, won't touch a ball. He's mastered the art of walking around and sort of looking like you're trying in gym class.