I disagree with some of the other posters on a few points. I think a child who is reaching those milestones at those ages is almost certainly gifted. Hard to know how much without testing and/or more time, but I certainly think it is safe to assume giftedness. The research I've seen suggests that parents are actually very good at determining whether or not their young child is gifted, and they are usually better at this than teachers.

When my daughter was that age a few years ago, I felt bewildered, overwhelmed, and isolated. The best thing I did was connect with other parents of gifted kids. Among them, you can usually talk about your child without sounding like bragging because they've been there. They know how challenging it can be. I strongly second the recommendations of getting hooked up on Hoagie's Gifted website (They have an active Facebook page too) and SENG (online, on Facebook, or via a parent group or yearly conference). There are also excellent email lists out there for parents of gifted children, such as Brightkids and the TAG Project lists.

Keep tracking milestones because in the future those records could be invaluable in advocating for your gifted preachooler's education. I'm filling out applications this week for gifted preschools, and I'm so glad I wrote some of that down so I can refer to it.

You are not alone!
