I was thinking about something a teacher did for dd recently. Sort of a little thing, but very thoughtful. And I wondered if we've ever had a teacher appreciation thread. I didn't find one on the search bar, so I thought I might start one.

Have any of your child's teachers done something noteworthy with respect to your dc? Maybe something that shows that they "get" this gifted thing? (or maybe that they just "get" kids in general)

For example: dd recently had an in-class reading. She found the material very upsetting (although she seemed to be the only one affected by the story). The next day the teacher quietly took her aside and asked if she would rather not participate in the class that day, as they were going to watch some of the movie of the story. DD chose to leave the room and go to the library. It was all done so that she felt accepted and appreciated for her sensitivities.