I was assuming that it couldn't be coincidence that I saw this just after this thread - a 7yo has successfully raised a large sum of money to enable him to visit a museum relating to his passion, with the help of the Pharyngulean horde. If it's not your son, maybe it'll nevertheless be inspirational - although I don't suppose exactly the same fundraising method would work twice in quick succession. Importantly, this child is a blogger; right there is a visible commitment to share the knowledge that results from the trip, which is very likely to increase people's willingness to give.

I probably am one of the people you feel criticised by. For clarity: I do not criticise someone who would choose to spend their own money on such a trip, nor do I criticise someone asking for donations to it specifically or someone who makes such a donation. I would, probably, criticise a general educational charity that funded such an expensive museum trip for one child, because on the basis of what you said it would seem likely to be such poor value as to constitute breaking faith with the donors to such a charity. I'm sorry if this view offends you, but I don't apologise for expressing it: if you post on a public forum, you may hear opinions that offend you. I am in turn offended by your implication that by not choosing to spend my money in such a way I'm parenting my gifted child badly, but you're entitled to your opinion, and I'm entitled to disregard it, as I do.

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