I know he has been using Politifacts for a long time now. I don't know if he also uses Factcheck.org. He listens to Young Turks, Fox News (but doesn't think it is always "fair and balanced", and CNN, and he has online friends who discuss politics so he is trying to find out as much as he can from a variety of sources so that he can better participate in these discussions and also make up his own mind. I know he reads a from a lot of different online sources. I think Huffington Post is one of them. He usually listens to his dad's opinions, my opinions, his grandfather's opinions and the online friends who I think are 20 somethings but he makes up his own mind and then tries to convince us that he is right. He carries his iPhone around and when we say something he is usually able to quickly find something that he just read that totally contradicts what we just said and then I don't know what to say. I don't have time to read everything he is reading but I do read some of it and try to discuss things with him to the best of my ability.