So she qualified, yes? Or does she need 130+ in VCI? If necessary, I guess you could engage in further testing in the short term using the SB-5. I often read recommendations against testing with the WPPSI so old.

But if not, if she's gotten the services you need, I wouldn't worry about the numbers. With gentle encouragement she should unlax after a bit, and you can retest later as desired. I've seen how traumatic testing can be for highly perfectionistic children, having one myself. If you can give her one, your daughter would probably do well with a decent break.

I'd consider letting your daughter know that she did well, despite holding back a bit on some of the verbal answers. This might help build up her self-confidence for next time. It's tougher to decide what to do about discussing any limitations on performance. One outcome might be that she learns from the experience and goes in with greater resolve for future testing, and scores better. But there's a potential downside, as she might feel like her refusal to answer was a successful avoidance mechanism.

It might be a good idea to ask the tester to include information on her perfectionism and reluctance to answer in the narrative part of the report.

Striving to increase my rate of flow, and fight forum gloopiness. sick