Originally Posted by Dude
DAD22: My DD was pretty much in the same place as yours when she got to pre-K, and she loved her pre-K experience. She's an extrovert, so she loved the time with other kids. The learning part of the day was not dominant, and DD's ability was recognized immediately by her pre-K teacher, who found ways to keep DD engaged by enlisting her as a teacher's helper and mentor to the other students... for instance, DD got to read books aloud to her class. The students really admired DD for her intelligence.

And, more importantly probably, pre-K was just a few hours out of the day.

Anyway, it wasn't until she got to K that she found the educational experience extremely disappointing.

I'm glad your daughter had a positive experience with preschool. My daughter is extremely introverted. When she meets new people she goes mute for about an hour. At the park she prefers to watch other children instead of play with them (and she's told me so) but she'd rather they weren't there at all. She'd rather it be just me and her and the equipment. She does like calm, older children though, and just about anyone she sees regularly.

I'd be very pleased if she ended up in a roll like your daughter did, but I'm doubtful that she has the right attitude for it. Perhaps in the right environment she will surprise me. She'll be at full day preschool while her mom and I work, but only for three days a week. I think she'll spend the other 2 work days with her grandmother learning Chinese. My wife told me not to expect grandma to teach much else though.

I'm also concerned when I try to extrapolate from her current predicament what her kindergarten situation will be...