Butter is 8, in third grade. Last year she scored 99.8% on the Raven Matrices, but she doesn't fit the "typical" gifted profile, the kind the schools like to see, you know?


VCI 142 99.7%
PRI 137 99
WMI 126 96
PSI 121 92
FSIQ 141 99.7
GAI 148 99.9

similarities 99.6%
vocabulary 99.6
comprehension 95
information 98
word reasoning 98%

block design 98%
picture concepts 95%
matrix reasoning 99%
picture completion 99%

digit span 91%
arithmetic 95%

coding 63% (NOT A TYPO!)
symbol search 98%


oral lang 144 99.8%
basic reading 128 97%
mathematics 122 93%

subtests (grade equ because that's what I wanted to know. and our state is in the lowest 10% of standards for the nation!)

listening comprehension gr 9.3
reading comprehension gr >12.9 (NOT A TYPO!)
math problem solving gr 4.9
sentance composition gr 10.6
word reading gr 8.0
pseudoword decoding gr 7.2
numerical operations gr 4.0
oral expression gr 12.0
spelling gr 4.7

Sooooooo what does this all mean? Psychologist says fine motor issue and reccomends OT (which is not a stand alone service in our district and we have NO chance of getting probably). This kid HATES to write and will really work to get out of it, but when she did it, she can do it like a TENTH GRADER?!?!?! Plus, she LOVES arts and crafts, sewing, clay, oragami and playing guitar, which I think would NOT be a kid with a fine motor issue? And I guess there is some processing speed issue as well? Which would explain why anything timed was always a problem for her...for the WIAT results, the lower ones, the psych says its probably partly exposure (she's probably gotten 100% on almost every spelling test since they started having them, in kinder), spontaneous whole word reading (as opposed to learning phonics, so she's not good at sounding out new words) and last year they changed math cirriculum and I think it's just terrible...

But even her lowest WIAT's are 4th grade and we think we want to accelerate her, not sure yet...I'm really concerned about the reading comprehension, oral exp and sentance comp being so high. She also got a perfect score on last year's state test in language arts.

We will meet with the principal of the home study program we are using, part of our district. and the school psychologist. But it's not likely we will get an IEP...I'm concerned about getting some things like keyboarding and time adjustments in writing NOW, while we are in a more accomodating environment. Other than that, I'm not sure what we want or need and I'm sure the principal is going to ask...

your advice or two cents is appreciated here smile

I get excited when the library lets me know my books are ready for pickup...