I took my son for a neuropsych evaluation around a month and a half ago. He did receive a diagnosis of ADHD-inattentive with executive function issues. (almost 10, grade 4)

The psychologist doing the testing told me that he was an exceptionally smart child, although the IQ scores she shared with me honestly do not seem all that high (FSIQ of 120 isn't even enough to qualify for our county's TAG program although he is already in it). She also said he was pretty much average and above average in most areas; no real issues aside frmo executive function.

To me the scaled scores on the WISC seem all over the place. He scored one 19 which I have read is excelptionally high, but the next highest score is only 19 and there are a bunch of scores in the 10-12 range. Is this kind of distribution typical of all kids? Of kids with executive function issues? I do recall when she described his relatively low ("average") score on block design asking her if it was the kind of test where when it got challenging, he just gave up and she looked at her notes and said, "yeah, that's probably what happened."

I'll just post the scores and see if anyone has any thoughts.


similarities 14
vocabulary 16
comprehension 19 (she said he got full points on this one)

block design 10
picture concepts 14
matrix reasoning 11

digit span 13
letter-number sequence 11
arithmetic 14

(I think she said she was surprised the by the low letter-number sequence which she described as essentiall doing a dot-to-dot, so she added arithmetic)

coding 9 (he was very slow and methodical and this was timed)
symbol search 11
cancellation 12

verbal comprehension 138
perceptual reasoning 110
working memory 110
processing speed 100

full scale 121

WISC- IV integrated

digit span forward: 11
spatial span forward: 9

Digit span backward: 14
Spatial span backward: 12

Cancelling Random: 11
Cancellation Structured: 11

Beery test of visual motor integration:

VMI 91 or 27%ile
Visual perception 99 or 47%ile

A bunch of other tests. On something called the Children's memory Scale he scored 6 scaled scores for facial recognition which was his only below average score.