I can't seem to get the link to work, but Riverside has a teacher's booklet ("A Short Guide for Teachers") that I found very helpful for interpreting scores. It should come up if you google Riverside plus the title.

I just glanced at it quickly so you should take a closer look, but your DS's profile, 9E (V-N+) seems to demonstrate and extreme (E) difference statistically (24+ points) between areas, but the mid stanine is a 9, which is the highest level. So, the pattern shows that all of his areas significantly above average, but the pattern is uneven. The point of the interpretive score is to aid in shoring up relative weaknesses and encouraging strengths.

Honestly, I wouldn't change anything you are doing because of this score. He is clearly well above average in verbal and it is possible that the discrepancy may be due to something besides ability (maybe he had a rough day, wasn't feeling well when he took it, or as many HG/PG kids might do, interpreted the verbal questions differently than the testers intended).

I find it weird, though, that they did not give you a composite score or say whether the percentiles refer to age or grade (apparently they calculate both).