I'm a college freshman studying Actuarial Science and Accounting (well, sophomore, actually if you count the credits I completed while dual-enrolled), and while I have never been tested, I would guess somewhere around LOG 4 by Ruf's estimates. My CoGAT scores, though not IQ, could qualify me for Mensa.

I have been reading discussions here, mainly to help me look back to the experience I had in public school. My parents did not actively advocate for me in school, but I found old documents related to a gifted IEP that I had from K-2. When I was in junior high and high-school I attempted some self-advocacy with limited success (I was able to use the MN PSEO program to attend the University of Minnesota my senior year). I thought I'd join to add some perspective as someone who may have gone through some of the issues your DS or DD is currently facing.

That's all I have!