So, last night I heard the dreaded words for the first time from DS7 "I hate school." Poor guy has had such a hard time. He's been on Trileptal & Concerta for about a month now, and while it's drastically reduced the 'fits' that he has in school, I swear it's made him depressed. He complains that he doesn't have any friends (and sadly he's right) and that the kids are mean to him. I just want to cry when I hear this stuff! He just seems to feel dejected and I have no idea what to do to make it better!

I tried to talk to him this weekend about how you make/keep friends. I explained that you have to talk about something your friend likes and not just what you like. DS's response? "That's stupid. That's just stupid. It doesn't make any sense." *sigh* None of the kids in class are apparently interested in the things he is, none of them read the same books or play the same video games.

I want so desperately to be able to FIX things for him. His teacher is nice enough, but his school doesn't do acceleration or differentiation. My step-mother's been driving me crazy trying to convince me to enroll him in the montessori charter school that's part of her school district (she's a principal, and thus, my kids can go to any school in her district.) The problem? This school is a good 40mins away from our house, in the opposite direction from my work. After school care (extended day) goes to 6pm. There aren't enough hours there for me to be able to put in 8 hours at the office! I need a clone of myself. Or my husband to have a more convenient job. Or to hit the lottery so I can enroll him in a private school.

*deep breath*

Ok. I'm done now. I just want to thank you all and send you hugs and kisses through the internet for being the only people I've come across that will understand what I'm going through.

Last edited by epoh; 12/07/11 07:48 AM.
