I had requested a conference with DS7's first grade teacher to hear how things are going since some changes we made in October, and to start planning for an agreed-upon skip to third grade next year. I was hoping to discuss how to strengthen DS's writing skills, his big weakness.

The first thing the teacher said to me was that she feels DS should skip to 2nd grade after winter break. She had two reasons:

1. She thinks third grade will go more smoothly if DS has some of second grade under his belt.

2. She feels that DS is completely wasting his time in first grade since he already knows most of the material.

I told her I'd bring it up with DH (who took months to convince of the skip to third) and DS, and emphasized that I won't move DS unless he is in agreement.

In the meantime, I left a message with the secretary to make an appointment with the principal. The school hasn't (and maybe doesn't) completed an IAS, nor has DS had any achievement testing, just a recent IQ test >99.9%. There's been no planning for a grade-skip yet.

I surely agree that DS is wasting his time in first grade. I might be able to get DH on board, but DS really wants to finish the year with his friends.

Any thoughts about any of this?