Interesting article....My comment on the NYT site is pasted in below. Anyone else trying to use Khan in combination with ALEKS as a replacement for classroom math?

We are exploring home-use of a combination of the online math program ALEKS and the Khan Academy for our elementary-aged son. He is in a public school, but is far advanced of his class when it comes to math. He loves the Khan lectures, and ALEKS lets him progress from topic to topic at a very rapid rate without undue repetition or drilling, and gives us the ability to track his mastery of each topic.

I think this type of combination, or even just use of Khan lectures with in-class practice, could be very helpful in our public schools, where there is very little true differentiation in classrooms that really need it.

In times of increasing class sizes and shrinking budgets, integration of free tools like Khan Academy into the curriculum should be a no-brainer, at least in schools that have decent technology infrastructures to start with.