I have always known my son was smart and loved learning. Had a bad experience with principal of his school last year. Moved from that school to local school that is working to make extra accomodations for kids of all learning types. My son was in the 99th percentile across the board. He is in the 2nd grade and his scores are the median range for 5th and 6th graders. The principal at the last school told me his test scores showed nothing significant. I don't think she actually tested him. Is 99th percentile on the MAPs test gifted? He took the CoGat but I have not been given the scores for that yet. He is signed up for Green River Preserve this summer. But beyond that do I send him to a camp like SIG etc? Is he more than just smart?+

We don't come from brilliant folks. I amount just a hard worker who loves intellectual stimulation. I feel as I am out of my league.

What are your suggestios?

Last edited by Jonas; 12/05/11 04:35 AM.