Help please. My ds took the WPPSI test at 5.8-years-old in July. On two subtests (information and matrix reasoning) he scored 91% but on other tests they were in the average or low average range.

Overall his performance was scattered and inconsistent - so I have no score. I know my ds is a creative/visual spatial type who doesn't always perform to his capability.

Last year, my ds was a pre-k student in a structured, gifted school. He whizzed through the pre-k/k/1st grade curriculum within 2 1/2 months and multiplied visually without any instruction. We had to pull him because the school refused to accelerate him into the 2/3rd grade class or accommodate him.

This year, my ds is a kindy in a creative (less-structured) gifted school (pre-k to 8th grade in one-room schoolhouse) and he is whizzing through the reading and writing. He's now reading at 3rd grade or above and writing sentences. He's starting to grumble about the lack of math and other academic opportunities, which are normally offered at the 3rd grade level or higher.

I was going to apply for Davidson's since my ds is working 3 grades or higher, but I'm worried about the WPPSI scores. I asked the evaluator if she had experience with eg/pg kids and she said she did, but I have questions regarding the WPPSI test. She said it was a starting point and that my ds6 should have further evaluations. Urgh.

My problem, of course, is the school situation and how to get appropriate services. We're thinking we might have to homeschool our ds6 soon. I was already told by this second gifted school that my ds might not be there long, but I'd like some advice on where to turn next.