DD9 (ADHD, dyslexia) cannot decide what she wants for Christmas this year... an iPod touch or an e-reader. For those of you with dyslexic children, do they have either of this items? DD has recently gotten into the idea of audio books and LOVES to listen to a book on her iPod nano as she follows the story along in the book. She recently confided to us that she does not read nearly as well as we think she does and often has to reread books two and three times to understand what the story was about. Unfortunately, there are fewer audio books available for download at our library than e-books (at least in children's books) so her selection is limited. I know that there are e-reader apps for the iPod... does anyone who has one know if they have text-to-speech abilities so they can read the story to her? Or, should we spring for the Kindle with text-to-speech (not available in Canada so we need to order it online ASAP)?

If anyone can comment or offer any other solution, it would be much appreciated.

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery