DD3 learned the alphabet around 20 months old. Not sure how she learned it. We did not try to teach her although we sang songs and watched videos and a few books that had the alphabet in it. It was not our intention for her to learn it. We just did what she wanted to do. No idea that she may even be interested in those letters. She knew upper and lower case. She started reading and spelling a few words shortly after. She has words that she can sight read. I introduced to her phonics through the Starfall sight. I myself did not learn through phonics and hence learned with her. She knows all the sounds learned them in about a week, but does not sound words out. Just a tiny bit. About three months ago her attitude changed. Not sure how to describe it but kind of a defeated attitude. I had bought the very easy reader, Mud, on suggestion of a psychologist. About a month ago I showed her the book. Through the pictures etc. she read the book. Again at one point she got this defeated attitude. So I offered her a star for each sentence she read. She has to get the stars off her self which is really good for her fine motor as they are a bit strange. She has been able to manipulate a mouse since 2 � but has a hard time with other fine motor. Not at all interested in drawing but can type her name on the computer and text me small messages such as Hi mom etc. So now we have started on some of those pre-readers. She likes getting the stickers. She seems to enjoy reading, and Mud was a good book�. But not sure how much is for the stickers and how much is really reading. It seems like there is some kind of hump we are trying to cross. I just was looking for feedback on what I am doing and any takes on what this �hump� might be. She gives up on a lot of things earlier than I like. Also looking for the next reader. I go to the store and they all seem really dumb. She needs short still. One sentence per page or so. Thanks... Thanks for reading the long post!

Last edited by flower; 11/28/11 10:55 AM. Reason: admit to long post....