DS is about to turn 12 and he is soooo still into Legos. He's clearly headed for a career in engineering, that's been obvious since he was maybe 4 hours old lol. He's also not exactly prodigiously approaching puberty or hormone-related things such as thinking about girls yet. So he's asking for a Lego train set for his birthday and my dh is determined that we shouldn't get it for him because dh thinks he'll outgrow his love of Legos soon. I agree, considering the books he reads, the thoughts he has, all that, Legos seem a little out of sync. OTOH, he loves them, he creates with them, his imagination is on high drive when he's playing with them. DH is just concerned that other kids his age are rapidly aging out of Legos if they haven't already.

I, otoh, have vague memories of still enjoying Legos, oh, maybe just yesterday lol!

So is it something older kids are still interested in or should we gently ignore and hope he outgrows it soon? Socially he struggles just a bit because of lack of self-confidence that stems from his 2E challenges... and he is really shy about making friends... so if there was a magic bullet we could order up for a birthday present that would fit in line with what other 12 year olds are interested in I guess I'd want to get that (and maybe the train set too....)

I think what's bugging dh is that it's the train set he's asked for. DS has NXT stuff, belongs to a robotics club that does challenging NXT programming, and he also is really into Legos Star Wars.



ps - he's also asked for a Perplexus - does interest in those really last very long?