
I am new to the discussion forum and this is my first post, hopefully in the right place.

One of my son's talents is chess. He is ranked #1 in the state for his age group and roughly 10-15th nationally. He started beating me consistently when he was about 8 years old (he is now 10 years old). He loves the game and we are proud of his accomplishments.

His performance is very uneven at times. He sometimes gets into a losing streak with players far weaker. The most common reason for his losses is due to obvious mental lapses such as missing that his piece can be either captured or directly attacked (things that an absolute novice can usually see). This is all the more surprising because his wins against stronger players usually require him to see 6 or more moves deep.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to avoid mental lapses?

Last edited by mithawk; 11/25/11 08:06 PM.