Help! I have a complicated 7yo boy in 3rd grade at a public school. He has tested all over the map, from 99.9th percentile for verbal reasoning, to 50th percentile for processing speed (Wechsler). He has mild ADD and is also depressed, which his shrink thinks is partly biological/hereditary and partly because he is so bored at school. DS has spontaneously complained to me that the stuff he learns at school he already learned when he was 3 or 4. He does do an outside Russian Math school where he happily does algebra, but at school there is no ability grouping and they won't do acceleration. Here's the thing, though: he has great friends at school, and he needs their support to feel secure. He loves gym and sports. Is there a way to combine outside/home schooling with public school specials? Or should I just find an amazing private school and hope he can create a whole new set of friends there? Any ideas?