I have the kernel of an idea for a law, Federal or State level, I'm not sure. Basically I think that any child who is rated a good or excellent candidate for acceleration be given a 6 week trial in whole grade acceleration at the parents request, even if the school thinks it's a terrrible idea. I know very little about politics. Does anyone have experience or web or book references?

Interestingly, I don't, at this time, want a whole grade skip for my son, but knowing that it is availible as a least worst option would sure help me sleep at night! I also think that the culture of school would change for the better if Parents had the final say on this type of thing.

I would love if my child went to school with classmates of many different ages who were all learning at their challenge level. I know it would change his perspective about a whole grade skip for the better. (Basically, why should he have to be the guinea pig all alone? If Parents had their say - then a few parents could work together to send their kids up as a cluster!)

Please help - Trinity

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