We just had a preschool parent-teacher conference for dd4.5 yesterday. Their number one goal for her, for the year, is to learn to play with others when she doesn't choose the game or set all the rules. *sigh*

The preschool is awesome, the teachers are perceptive, and they're right. This seems to be a common problem. What have you done to teach social compromise and to encourage following instead of just leading?

For background - our region is enriched for bright and gifted folks, and this is the language-immersion option at the fancy preschool, so extra enriched. I have encountered one boy in her class that I would pick as gifted - but he's the quiet tower-building sort, not the exuberant learn about everything and then act it out with extra fairies sort. Her teachers seem blown away by the breadth and depth of her knowledge and interests so I guess she must be unusual. They want her speech evaluated because she's having trouble making herself understood - but they admit that she was trying to communicate 'amphibian' and it wasn't clear whether the other kids couldn't understand her pronunciation, or just didn't know what an amphibian was...