Originally Posted by gomomgo
I'm wondering, could it be that he really does have ADD and it's affecting his scores on these tests for giftedness? He definitely has that "hyper focus" thing going on. In first grade he'd be up early before school reading a book on chess strategy. And even now if he gets up in the middle of the night to use the restroom I sometimes catch him reading in his room at 2 in the morning! Yet, I find myself often telling him to "focus" and he is often easily distracted, forgetting what he was supposed to do. I feel like I'm constantly on his case, but now I'm wondering if maybe he can't help it.

This sounds like me. I always feel like I have ADD - inattentive-type. My organization level and attention span seem to be approximately zero and I often felt like I was in a fog.

Although in my case, the question would be whether the giftedness masked the ADD.

I think I got a 139 on the Stanford-Binet about that age. No one raised the possibility of ADD with me.