For those who have been following Butter's difficult school career...

today was our first official day of independent study. We homeschool, but there is a campus where they can go one day a week for 3 hours plus 1/2 hr lunch, clubs, sports, music, art, etc and peer tutoring (the school is K-12). The teacher does science, a guided reading/writing and DD said they played a math game too, where they got to just shout out the answers wink She said she could tell that some of the other 12 kids had studied their multiplication tables more and said she would like to do some flash cards...she loved the swings on the playground, the teacher is nice and she feels like everyone gets some special attention...she got a big star sticker (her old teacher had them but she never got one :() She said she thought they did both new and interesting things as well as a little old and boring (science review for testing next week).

But the BEST part was when she said "I don't just like it, I LOVE it!" I don't think I've EVER heard my child say that about school!

I get excited when the library lets me know my books are ready for pickup...