Hello, I have a 4th grader who is exceptional. We have been lucky so far to have a great support system.Our school is working hard to help him meet his academic needs although I know my son holds himself back because he does not want to be in a group all by himself.We have him paired with 5th grade on differnt projects and enjoys that. Still He has expressed that he is bored with his life and becomes emotional. He even asks me why isnt he ordinary. Socially he is very accepted he has a wonderful personality and he is a magnet. People and children easly are attracted to him. He has close friends. He plays baseball, piano, chess. and yet he still craves more. He told me not to long ago that he feels that there is something in the world that needs his attention but he just cant figure it out. I see him starting to out grow his friends and even his teachers but he so badly wants to be a part of the crowd. I am concerned and not sure what to do or how to guide him. For now I just listen and we talk. gladly he's very vocal and gladly he does share his emotions.I'm just not sure how to respond. Any advice.