DD8 tested on Saturday afternoon. Most of the results that get tested (at least the ones that show up on search!) are from the kids who are way out there at the high end, so I figured I'd post DD's for balance. wink

Test Date Talent Search Year Grade Test Form Test Norm
Oct-11 2012 4 IY1 6S

Verb-Raw Verb-Scaled Verb-Percentile
30 442 67

Quant-Raw Quant-Scaled Quant-Percentile
20 439 46

4th grade cuts are 440 verbal / 450 quantitative, so she qualified in verbal, but not quantitative, which is what I'd expected. (She said she guessed on almost all the math problems; number sense is not her strong suit.)

Compared to 2011 4th grade girls (http://cty.jhu.edu/ts/SCATData2011.html), she was 53.9th percentile for verbal, and 38.6th percentile for quantitative.

In some really old thread (that I of course can't find anymore), someone (Dottie?) said that 50th percentile compared to talent search kids indicated that the current grade placement was likely a good fit, and that's consistent with our impression that DD is well-placed as a 4th grader this year.