We just had our DS7 tested on the WISC IV. He scored consistently in the 137- 139 range in VCI, PRI and WM ( a few points lower), but his Processing Speed was even higher, which brought up his FSIQ to 140.

My questions are:

What exactly does processing speed measure?

Is it possible the high processing speed is making him appear a bit "smarter" than he actually is? He can be overly confident in his abilities and I thought it was because everything in school is so easy for him, but now I'm wondering if it is because he is able to do things so quickly. He taught himself to read at a very early age.

DS races through all assignments. His teachers have consistently commented to me that DS needs to SLOW DOWN. Is this racing though everything related to the processing speed?

The mental gymnastics his brain can do can be incredible, yet he sometimes still needs help getting dressed (he's in 2nd grade!), is this typical?

I guess I'm looking for a BTDT.