DD9 is HG with dyslexia and dysgraphia. She is in a 4th grade gt classroom at our local school. The school divides the kids by ability for spelling instruction. This year, DD ended up in a lower spelling group than last year and has spelling instruction with one of the other 4th grade teachers.

DD is complaining bitterly about the experience. DD is painfully aware that spelling is her weak point. I believe that she is embarrassed to be sent out of the GT class. She says that the other teacher treats them "like we are stupid babies" because the teacher speaks slowly and reads instructions verbatim. DD says that she knows the words already -- yes, she knows them in that she can pick out the correctly spelled version in a list and can memorize the spelling for a test. She can't transfer the correct spelling to her writing. IMO, this would be true no matter what level of spelling instruction they would give her.

The fundamental problem is that the spelling instruction is geared for typical kids. It is not designed for a kid with dyslexia who has underlying issues. My daughter's inability to spell does not stem from an inability to recognize patterns like vowel consonant vowel. She has some disconnect in her brain when it comes to written output. To quote last year's teacher, "It's not a lack of instruction or intelligence. When it comes to spelling, it just isn't there."

Quite frankly, I think that her current spelling instruction is a waste of time. DD has access to a computer in her classroom. Does anyone know of an online spelling program or alternative curriculum that addresses spelling issues for dyslexic kids? I'd like to figure out some independent way that she could use her time productively instead of pursuing a course of instruction that is unlikely to be beneficial.