Does anyone here have their child in a competitive chess club? DD has JUST learned chess in the past two months (they teach it at her gifted magnet, and she plays at home)and would like to join the after-school club. This will possibly lead to her joining the school chess team, which competes regularly, travels hundreds of miles to events, and appears to be very good.

DD seems to have a bit of a talent for the game (she reports having beat kids who are really into it and have been playing for years), but she is, of course, still an amateur. How competitive/cutthroat is this world? (DD is not actually that competitive herself but can get her feelings hurt if other people are.) What kind of time commitment is it? Is she going to be the only girl, or one of very few? What is the atmosphere like? My husband and I know virtually nothing about chess or any of this.

Last edited by ultramarina; 10/26/11 05:41 AM.