The public school in our community has a pretty good reputation (academically) and our goal was to have her tested right into 1st grade, prior to beg of school (since she already completed kindergarten at an accredited Montessori)...we had four recommendation letters, her portfolio of prior work/homework including two digit math, weekly spelling quiz, story writing, chapter books comprehension examples, etc. Unfortunately, non of this was enough for the principal as her age (she turned 5 last April) seemed to dictate everything. Our only option (per principal) was to enroll her into K and have her tested and observed during the school year to see if "they" agree with our request. We reluctantly agreed as we were told by the school district that these "tests" would be done over several weeks at the beg of school year. The frustrating part is that NO official test(s) have been done yet and we are getting nowhere. The teacher did test her on reading and sight words which resulted in what we already knew�the disturbing part is that she still sits in class and sounds out the alphabet, etc. (things she did when she was two) with the rest of the class. I am losing sleep over this and I�m not sure if pulling her out of the school now is the best decision either. There are no gifted schools in the local area. It is so hard to keep the emotion out of it while dealing with the school personnel.