I would love some suggestions for what should be in the IEP for my 2e DS who is 9. At the end of the school last year he was diagnosed as gifted with an LD.

WISC %iles:
VCI 95
PRI 99.9
WMI 95

His LD primarily relates to written output and rapid recall.

Sadly the IEP that has been prepared addresses mainly the LD with very little addressing the gifted part. My problem is that I know I am not happy with the IEP but I don�t know what they can do to change it. They have said that if he can show he knows the curriculum then he will be given extensions but he has to KNOW the curriculum well before they teach it in order to get the extensions....

They are doing lots to accommodate the LD � longer time to complete tests, oral testing, he will be supplied with his own laptop with text-to-speech software etc. ~ which I am happy about but I really think that more needs to be done to address the gifted side of things...

Any suggestions? What are some things that your 2e kids have in their IEPs to accommodate the gifted side?
