Originally Posted by Polly
Sure there are going to be many times throughout the next 15 years when a child has to sit through something boring, but at 3 or 4 it seems like repeated experiences mof that teach only negative stuff.

Our next task is to get him into a private that goes through grade 12.

We've been to several two weeks and have another tomorrow. The "tier 1" privates in DFW are pretty amazing. I've talked to a lot of kids who go there, to current parents, staff, and looked at every classroom.

We've learned a lot from other parents and from the school staff. I can already tell Mr W will love any of the "tier 1" schools but we are more concerned about where they will place him and whether its appropriate for him or not.

The one thing I've found out is that the top privates appear to have just one kid in every other class who is PG ( PG kids seem to be always admitted no matter the number of slots ) and most of the kids are HG and a few are MG. Perfect place for GT kids. I've got some reservations, too.

I'd love to post the rest of my impressions, but until Mr W gets in, I'm keeping my mouth shut. laugh