Kathleen's mum - when you say your DD did not tolerate short acting ritalin could you describe how? My DD has been unable to keep it down.

perplexed - does your DS move more when learning more? Both of my children were like little perpetual movement machines when learning to read, it was absolutely awful and maddening to be near and felt really disrespectful and like they were trying to squirm away from working. But I think there was actually some direct connection between movement and learning something that was hard for them. DD1 I think has major dyslexia, DD2 is HG but just got glasses for behavioural optometry issues, she found it much easier to learn to read than her older sister but I suspect it was a pretty huge effort to make sense of what she was seeing.

My point being - maybe he moves more for the tutor and it is more intolerable not just because of her personality but because the work is actually hard for him?