Originally Posted by Mag
(My kids have been bringing their 5th grade Singapore Math workbooks with them to school. Although initially we were hopeful that the teachers gave their permission to bring the books, we found that kids hardly did any because they are expected to do the regular work first. They also do not want to feel "different" and feels awkward when their peers ask them questions.

Oh, I wish you the best of luck in finding the right solution!

For 3 years, my son was pulled out for his own math program, but occasional scheduling problems would leave him in the classroom during the math period. During this time, he would sometimes participate, sometimes prepare for his math period or do problem solvers independently. A valuable thing we learned:

His classmates _did_ see him as different because he is so smart, but they all accepted him and respected him and appreciated that about him. This acceptance and appreciation helped reinforce his own acceptance of his differences.