Mom2Gifted, I think your question may have been for BWBShari, but I'll share what we've done with you.

A) We picked a public school where the principal explicitly stated on our tour that they move kids to higher grades by subject when needed to address accelerated ability. This isn't as easy to do as she made it sound when we toured, but they have a history of doing it.

B) Although most posters on this forum don't advocate IQ testing unless you really need it, we got it done for DS before K so we knew what we were working with. It helped me feel more comfortable advocating for him.

C) I made a list of his math skills before K and compared them to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade math curricula for our school district (available online, I called the central office and they walked me through the website to the curricula). He was doing 2nd and 3rd grade math before entering K.

D) We made an appt with his K teacher two weeks into school to present his math skills and comparison to district curricula and requested that we look for ways to work with him.

E) We met with the GT teacher, at the K teacher's recommendation, to discuss his math skills and his IQ testing (our district doesn't accept outside testing, so we have only ever showed it to the GT teacher). The GT teacher gave him a computerized STAR math assessment. The K teacher moved DS to 1st grade math in October.

F) This year in 1st grade, per my original post, we had to advocate for the first six weeks of school to get him into 2nd grade math. I kept emailing/talking to his teacher every week and a half or so, and they eventually worked it out for DS and one other kid to go to 2nd grade math.

You said that you haven't asked for acceleration, but you're sure the school would say no. That may be the case, but they can't help you if you don't ask. My DS would not be accelerated in math if we hadn't asked for it; he'd be sitting twiddling his thumbs at grade level. I'd encourage you to pull documentation together on your DS8's math skills, request a school-administered math assessment showing which grade levels he's mastered, and request that they accelerate him to the appropriate grade level.