My son's WISC IV results:

VCI 144
Similarities -16
Vocabulary -19
Information - 17
Word Reason - 14

PRI 123
Block Design - 12
Picture Concpt- 15
Matrix Reas - 14
Picture Comp 11

WMI 120
Digit Span - 15
Let-Num Seq - 12
Arithmetic - 19

PSI 91
Coding - 7
Symbol Search - 10
Cancellation - 11

He is currently in 9th grade at a private school and we just began medicine for ADHD (these score are without medicine). None of his teachers would have ever guessed he was ADHD, but the medicine seems to be helping significantly and he is so much happier on it.

With the meds he is finally able to begin and complete his assignments. But he still has a lot of trouble studying for tests and doing work that requires a lot of output. Studying info without any context (like memorizing a list of prefixes, suffixes and roots) is also very hard for him.

He does great with input. He seems to have an amazing gift for reading, yesterday he read Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, all 500 page in one 2.5 hour sitting. He has great comprehension of what he reads or listens to.

He took Algebra I in 6th grade and Geometry in 7th, both with A's and no trouble. Last year in 8th grade he took Algebra II and ended failing in the last quarter because he could not bare to write out all the steps of a problem and gave up on all homework. He was fine orally and conceptually, but not if problems had to be written out. He is redoing Algebra II this year with a tutor who is accommodating his needs- actually, he is flying through the material and loving it.

Next year we may need to put him in a public school. I have no idea what to call his "output" issues. Teachers see him as lazy, but I think that 53 point gap between his VCI and his PSI constitutes a learning disability.

Does anyone have experience with a kid like this? What accommodation should I be asking for in a public school setting? Any other thoughts?