Hi. My daughter was recently nominated to be tested for GT at her school. It is our District's policy that they first do the Torrance creativity test, and if you don't score well enough on that, they don't bother with the intelligence, achievement, and task completion tests. She did not score high enough on her creativity test- BUT I have some questions. Also, I'm not sure the teacher was properly trained to give and score the test. And from what I read, Torrance has suggested that his test should not be used to exclude students from GT, but to include ones who might otherwise be excluded based on IQ/achievement alone.

She is in 3rd grade, and scored 99%ile on reading and 96%ile in math on her Terra Novas last year. She has never been challenged in school, and has developed underachievement habits. Not to mention school has completely squelched her creativity thus far. Being ID'd GT isn't really worth much here- there's not a ton of services anyways. Mostly I was hoping for the free IQ test so we might qualify for DYS.

Anyways, the question I have is- is there anywhere I can get the norms for the Torrance test? She scored 140, but I have no idea on what scale or what %ile this is, and diligent internet searching has not helped. My state does subscribe to academic databases like EBSCO, so I have access to lots of journal articles. If she is close, I would like to have her test re-scored by someone who is qualified.
