Originally Posted by l&k'smom

I have a VCI of 45 and PRI of 40. Psychiatrist who did not want to provide just GAI, says it is a GARI of 123, why not 129???
Either the psych is wrong or the totals you have are off. Do you have the three scaled scores that make up the VCI and PRI so you can double check the #s? For VCI, that would be Vocab, Comprehension, and Similarities and for PRI, you'd need the scaled scores for Block design, Picture concepts & Matrix reasoning.

GAI is really only supposed to be calculated when the other two indices are artifically inflating or deflating the FSIQ. Is the GAI significantly different from the FSIQ? Maybe that's why the psych wasn't wanting to calculate it -- b/c the variance btwn tests wasn't "significant and unusual." Or, maybe s/he is lazy wink!