My son has recently been evaluated for gifted. He is age 5 years, 9 months. He was privately tested and scored a 127 on the WPPSI. The school tested him using the WIAT and the only information I received so far is that he does not qualify for gifted because he scored a 116 on the reading but only a 110 on the math.
Last year he was privately tested using the Woodcock-Johnson, when he was age 4 years, 7 months, and he scored a brief reading and brief math of 5-11. The school tested him using the Stanford-Binet and got a score of 109. They did, however, agree that he need enrichment in math, which has continued for this school year (he is currently in kindergarten.

I feel he is gifted, but the scores seem so erratic, so I don't know how far to push this. I have an older daughter who is gifted, whose scores were also significantly lower when tested by the school psychologist as opposed to her private test. I don't have much faith in the school.

Any suggestions?