Originally Posted by herenow
I, too, wonder about testing. I've decided to think of it as a "snapshot of my child's abilities on a particular day and dc's ability on that day to show them to the tester"

I think it is more a matter of assumptions. I guess that because I was ID'd very early as gifted and people often commented on how bright my DS7 was I decided that all of his social issues, like mine, were driven by his (supposed) giftedness.

When he started elementary school with a bang or three we asked for a formal assessment to check for learning disabilities (some dyslexia runs in my family). The results... averaged as average (although there was so much spread between sub-scores they couldn't even calculate a GAI), which the school pointed to as proof that all with OK with him, but the psychologist we were consulting with (and which specialized in LDs) saw as a boatload of indicators for LDs.

When the Asperger's label started being mumbled about at school we got a second, private evaluation from a psychologist who specialized in ASD kids instead... and she diagnosed him with Asperger's.

And now I have been reading extensively about Asperger's, and its presentation in girls, and I started thinking that maybe *that* was my own diagnosis (the oddball who never fitted at school after the early years)... except that all those signs also fit the case of a gifted child who cannot find peers to connect to.

And so we are back to square one, and I am still confused.

I feel that wherever we go we get handed the label we ask for... So, if I bring my son to somebody specializing in gifted kids for a third round of cognitive testing will I get a diagnosis of giftedness? (just kidding! Although I still don't get how comprehension jumped so much in 4 months between WISC and DAS, unless they measure completely different things despite the identical names. Which I guess is the most likely answer).