My son was tested on the WISC-IV at 7 years-7 months his results are as follows:

Verbal comprehension
Similarities 16
Vocabulary 15
Comprehension 15

Perceptual Reasoning
Block Design 15
Picture Concepts 15
Matrix Reasoning 16

Working Memory
Digit Span. 11
Arithmetic 12

Processing Speed
Coding 10
Symbol Search 13

Verbal Comprehension 132
Perceptual Reasoning 133
Working Memory 107
Processing Speed 109
Full Scale IQ 129
GAI 139

Woodcock Johnson III
Academic Skills 113 3.0 high average
Academic Applications 117 3.5 high average
Brief Achievement 114 3.1 high average
Brief Reading 115 3.6 High Average
Brief Math 135 4.1 Gifted
Brief Writing 95 38 Average
Broad Math 132 3.9 Gifted

Last year we were at a school that does one year advanced math along with kumon. My son hated kumon and did not excel because of it being timed. We changed schools for two reasons we were looking for a place that would level them individually in reading and a school that was a little larger.

Here is where I need advice.
His new teacher leveled him at 2.5 reading level because of his inference skills. He is a major perfectionist and does not want to tell you what he thinks will happens because
he knows he may not be correct. Not sure if I should advocate to get him moved up to where he should be reading at least mid third or just let it go. If I do advocate not sure how to proceed.

Second question they have him doing second grade math which he did last year at school. He is still not completing his math work at school and it gets sent home. It takes him forever to do math. He does not memorize any math facts ever. I'm really at a loss because the work should be super easy. I would say he is just bored but we
faced this problem last year as well. Can a child have a attention problem but just in one subject area?

I really appreciate any insight all of you have.