[posting here, rather than IMing, as I suspect it may save other people saying the same thing]
In principle I'm happy to help. However, you should have a look at this thread:
concerning another request for us to help with research. In particular, notice that many people here were quite concerned to ensure that the study was legitimate, had ethics approval, had an appropriate supervisor, etc. etc. We are helpful as a group, but we're also a cautious bunch and not likely to share information* about our children with someone via a hotmail email address... Let me gently suggest that a more professional approach will get you a lot more cooperation.

*identifying information, e.g. real names and locations, that is; obviously we share information anonymously here in public.

Last edited by ColinsMum; 09/24/11 02:28 PM. Reason: clarity

Email: my username, followed by 2, at google's mail