LOL. I can't imagine becoming principal or superintendent! hA HA HA... Look out school reform!

As for meeting w/ teacher. did that. first week of school. She said all the right things, with no follow through.

I imagine, and told my son, that origami is probably distracting to the other students... they just want to watch him make it, where drawing in his notebook is less disruptive.

I can send him with a differentiated packet. I asked DS8, who for now said drawing would be fun. Knowing that we're focusing on increasing enthusiasm here, I went with it and will until he asks me for different work to be done in class.

He is struggling being an adult caught in a child's body and living in a child's world (tounge in cheek).

From a very early age, I've said he'd be happiest being the dictator of his very own small country!