Hello everyone.
I just today searched for a forum, prompted by a round of results for my son. From my initial, quick perusal of posts, we have arrived very late in the day at a site like this! Our daughter is already in college (19), and our son is 17. Looking through some posts, I think our experiences along the educational journey may be interesting for some members - exhilarating, fraught with frustration and anxiety, inspiring... so I hope to interact a little over the next couple of days on some of the threads I have already noted.

My own first question is whether others here also have older gifted teens? I'd love to read some of your posts and experiences/ideas.
In brief, our story - our daughter was one of the teeny tots who was reading early, etc. (the whole Narnia series at 5, for the story line); highly intuitive, intense personality, perfectionist, and she had a bit of a rough ride through school before we finally figured out we needed to place her in a gifted private school for the last couple of years of High School. She came back to life again there and has found herself enough to move on to college with confidence.
Our son is highly gifted on visual-spatial components (98.6 percentile), mid-high range with everything else, but has a marked deficit with processing speed - which shows up when he takes exams and doesn't finish the tests. He doesn't have a whole lot of time for writing or spelling at all, moves at a tremendous pace, but is a lot of fun to live with because he is highly creative, focused, imaginative, and extremely funny. We've been looking into how/where visual-spatial learners fit into, or rather, might change our world as he sets his sights toward college.
Anyone have similar experiences?!