Thanks so much for the info on testers. I was leaning towards Dr. McKee, have spoke to him a couple of times on the phone already, so it is nice to hear him mentioned positively here. Amend sounds great but I think between the travel and the hourly rates, it would be a bit more $$ than we should spend.

Does anyone have any thoughts on my other questions about how 2E manifests within the testing and scores? From what I've read, it seems like a significant variation in subtest scores suggests a possible LD? But couldn't someone just be really good at math and not so good at verbal, for example?

Also, it is possible that for my DS there won't be much of an effect. We are still figuring out his difficulties, but it seems to me like part of his motor planning challenges are visual. So he can read fine, but he has to concentrate to make the words "hold still" and often loses his place on the page and tires out quickly. He also can become frustrated if there are too many words on the page. I find this very frustrating because, while he absolutely LOVES to be read to and listens and comprehends stories way above his grade level, he doesn't have much stamina for reading on his own. I have looked into vision therapy for him, but it is REALLY expensive and it seems like there is some controversy over whether it actually does anything.

However, these issues may not come into play at all with an IQ or other standardized tests since it is a more compact kind of reading.