Hello you friendly, helpful, wonderful bunch,

I'm really new to all of this, and don't know where to go to find out about the usual "individual" IQ tests that are administered to kids.

My DD is in 2nd grade and was identified via OLSAT to move on for individual screening w/ the school district psychologist.

Are there certain types of tests that might be used, and if so, where can I get the best information on them?

I'm most intersted to begin to identify her more unique, specific strengths so we can do 'afterschooling," and wondered if particular IQ tests varied...

I don't mean for any of you to have to go through expalining details about the tests (you all seem to know so much!) but if you could point me in a direction, thank you!

(Also, I will be asking the school, though I'm not sure if they disclose that?)


OliEli's Mom