Originally Posted by Bostonian
13 hours a week is less than 2 hours a day, which I do not consider excessive.

Except that when you assume that the study hours shouldn't be averaged over summer vacation, it goes up. 13*52/36 school weeks = nearly 19 hours a week during the school year.

I was complaining about the spelling busyhomework taking DD8 3 hours (after I did a big chunk of it for her) this week, and that it would have taken her at least 5 hours to do the parts she was capable of finishing independently, and my (Asian) coparent said "When I was a kid, we had 3 hours of homework every night! And if the teachers didn't assign that much, your parent would assign it instead!" Except that she didn't, because her parents cared nothing for academics, and she went to school in the US starting in 5th grade, and all the stories she tells about high school involve cutting class.

My response was that she was welcome to make DD do 3 hours of homework a night if she wanted to be the homework parent, but that she had to manage to get the homework and snack / dinner and personal hygiene all done between DD arriving home at 4:15 (or 5:45 on Tuesday swim days, or 6:15 on Thursday swim days) and going to bed at 8:30. And that if she chose to keep DD up late to get more work done, she would need to be the get-her-on-the-bus parent, too, because I'm unwilling to deal with dragging an exhausted kid out of bed.