Originally Posted by flower
I am proud of the work that I have done to create this. I do not know IRL another parent of a 13 or 14 year old who has their child enrolled in a university class....

You should be proud.

Recently, my SIL discovered just "how smart" our 4.6 year old is when she was present during a "babysitting" job my 10 year old niece was performing. She seemed excited (not like her at ALL) and related a tidbit of information to me. She is taking some courses at the local community college and said that there is a woman there who "attends to her two children" in the class. The kids are taking the class, not her. My SIL said the one child is about 12 and the other about 10.

So you're not alone in the trek through the college jungle. Look for the machete path!