Originally Posted by Wren
I never had study skills and it killed me in college. My papers were terrible. I developed methods of communicating that assumed people could follow me, as I followed quickly.

And courses just get more challenging. I remember Heat, mass and Momentum. It had a passing rate of 25%. Part of that was the boring instructor. But that course challenged my inert study skills.

I think that's a function of engineering. Once you are past the basic science/engineering weed out courses, you get into the courses that are no longer intuitive and you actually have to do work and attend class to pass the class.

That being said, it would have been nice to have study skills going into college.

I don't think I ever developed study skills. I just relied on my intelligence and test taking skills to get through college and law school rather than personal effort. I rarely attended class and I avoided doing the work whenever possible, due to the fact that work require effort.

My grades represented significant underachievement when compared to my actual potential.